Ann Quinn

Upcoming Classes and Readings
Fridays, 10-12:30 EST, Feb. 7-Mar. 14
offered through the Writer's Center
Writing poems is discovery on paper, and good poems surprise and delight the poet as much as anyone. In this workshop you will try on a variety of styles and forms on the way to finding your own poetic voice. We will read poems together and use them as starting points for your own work, both in and out of class. The goal is for you to come away from the class with a portfolio of favorite poems–poems discovered in reading, discovered in writing. Required text: A Poetry Handbook by Mary Oliver.
Second Saturday of each month, 10-12 pm EST
offered by Yellow Arrow Publishing, supporting women writers worldwide
currently on Zoom--join from anywhere!
This is a small class with lots of time and space for writing and sharing.
About me: I came to poetry suddenly, specifically, at age 46 (and now I'm 58). Of course everything was leading to it—my decades studying music, my lifetime of voracious reading, along with my pursuit of consciousness through meditation and yoga—it all snapped into place. Within seven years of beginning, I had my MFA and a book and had begun teaching adults, children and teens the craft of writing.
There is nothing like the feeling of a poem being born into the world through your own hands, but as satisfying for me is the joy of seeing a poem come to the world through one of my student’s hands. The world comes a little more clearly into focus the more we look at it together through the lens of poetry. I hope that you will join me in this venture.
In Japan, Ma is the essential space of nothingness—the empty, the void.
I’ve been thinking about the in-between
places lately like the space between
words and the silence between notes
the summer between school years
the nights between days and how
essential the in-betweens are and what
I’m wondering is if death is the in-between
space or if life is
Click above to link to my Feb. 8 blog about how this book came about. You'll also find links to purchase the book and to our interactive reading for this interactive book for writers and lovers of poetry. (You'll need to scroll down through some other great Yellow Arrow blogs to get to Feb. 8)